Early Childhood Links

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

I interviewed a member of my family, and member from my sister's church.  My first interviewed person said that culture to her "is a person of a different language; someone who talk different than meand look a little different than I.  Also, someone who is well behave, speak without using bad language and can get along with people of other cultures.  Diversity is being able to be different from others but yet alike.  Also being able to work in or with different people or places." 
The second interview person said "culture is the costoms and traditions which are characterists of a group of people, region, country, etc.  Diversity to me is the variety and the many factors in a group."
The third interview person defined culture "as a way of life or tradition.  Diversity is being different yet alike to others."

Which aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are included in the answers I received - and what are some examples?
I think people's definitions about culture and diversty were very superficial.  Sometimes we do not take the time to think deeper about what really culture and diversity means.  The definitions about culture covers how people live, their traditions, language, etc.  Diversity was more about the differences between people and/or places.

Which aspects have been omitted - and what are some examples of such omission?
Some aspects omitted was the rules we have which guide our behavior, the perspectives we have about life, the way we walk, talk, and how we celebrate holidays.

In what ways has thinking about other people's definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics
It made me think about both questions, and how I would explain to others if they ask me what culture and diversity means to me.  My immediate response would be telling what we see about people culture (the tip of the iceberg) and then proceed to have more specific details about the culture, going deeper.  I would say that culture is also looking as people behavior in different situations, what are their beliefs, their values, traditions, etc. 
I realized that we need to talk about, say it out loud several times, to gain confidence in telling other about this topics.

1 comment:

  1. I was saddened that someone described culture in the manner you mentioned below:

    "Also, someone who is well behave, speak without using bad language and can get along with people of other cultures."

    I understand that we all have our ways of defining it, even when we don't know the definition at its core, but hopefully your question will encourage that person to look a little deeper into what both of those words truly entail.

