Early Childhood Links

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Family Culture

This is a hard question, thinking of only 3 items that I would take with me that represent my family culture. I need to recognize that I am not a sentimental person, who keeps memories as some people in my family do. The most important for me to have with me is my family. I can adapt easily if I have my family (my husband and my daughter) supporting me, and vice versa. Just to mention three items to keep I think that would be some family pictures (albums), important family documents folder(identification cards, birth certificates, etc.), and my grandma's recipe cookbook. All of these items reminds me of who I am and where I came from, the memories I had when I was a little girl, looking at my love ones, some of them are not with me anymore.

It is heartbroken having to experience a situation like this where you need to leave your town/country, and move to a strange place, where you don't know anything about it. I cannot imagine how devastated I would feel if I do not have my immediate family with me. If I have to keep only one item, I think I would keep the memories that picture bring to me. I can share with my daughter when she grows up, and she can pass it to hers when the time comes.

An insight I gained with this exercise was I recognized that my family is what I value the most, and I might not care of living tough situation if my daughter and my husband are with me, supporting each other. I noticed that I did not have a clue of what to take with me, what material possession I would take. I am not into taking material stuff; my most important thing is keeping my family with me, and worrying about their safety and well-being. My family culture is what we can continue building together, regardless of where we are living.That is what I care the most, to have each other back and support.


  1. Myself and another person stated that we would bring our pictures with us. I did not think about important papers but that is a good idea to prove identity. Picturs do mean a lot to us I see.

  2. I am surprised that you choose pictures over the recipe book. I feel like the recipes can be handed down from generation to generation and can contain cultural dishes (even if its just mac and cheese!) which relate to your family. Pictures, on the other hand, only hold the stories you share, and can get lost through generations because they do not feel the connection with the people which you do.

  3. Your love for your family shown through so clearly on this....it made me think of the folks in Oklahoma who are struggling now and do have only their families left. Thanks for sharing!!

