Early Childhood Links

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Connections to Play

Two Quotes that summarize what play represented for me during my childhood.

“Play is the beginning of knowledge.”
 -George Dorsey
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
-George Bernard Shaw

Pictures of essential play items for my younger self
 I miss the time where all my siblings and I were playing outside with all the children from the neighborhood.  In my hometown we used to have a community playground where children and their families spent hours playing and conversing with each other.  We used to play hide and seek, toss the ball, one two three fish, and many other outdoor play.  What a beatiful time I had during my childhood!
I remember how much I use to play with my kite, and all the children used to come out and do competition to see which kite was the highest one.  I still master how to has fun with my kite.

I was raised by my grandma and my mom, and they both allowed me to have fun outdoors, and with recycled items from the kitchen.  I spend time listening to my friends telling me scary stories, playing ball, and many games outside.  My mom always was very supportive and respected my play preferences when I preferred to stay home instead.  My grandma even saved some of the kitchen cans and few items for my sister and I play with them.  They did not have to spend a lot of money for us to have fun during our childhood.  Today is much different, now technology has replaced many of the outdoor fun activities that I enjoyed when I was a little girl.


  1. You made a great point when you mentioned that " they did not have to spend a lot of money for us to have fun." This is so true, as kids we were able to make due with what we had and because our imagination were so big, we could have fun with empty cans and old spoons from the kitchen. Kids now can be given the same tools to create fun; however, they may be lost on how to bring life to what they have to play with.

  2. Wasn't it great just playing with "things"? It didn't matter what it was, how much it cost, or where it came from, anything could be a "toy". Sounds like you had a great childhood!
    And I loved flying kites up on a sunny, windy hill. Thanks for the memory!

  3. Dear Rhonna, What marvelous childhood you had! I agree with Mimi, "things" and som friends were all we needed to have fun and explore. Unfortunatelly, childhood play as we know is disappearing. Children spend too much time in activities and less time in unstructured free play.
    Thanks for sharing your memoirs!

