Early Childhood Links

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Words of Inspiration and Motivation
“It’s important that professionals honor differences in the families they serve and work together with those families to figure out what is best for the child.”
Understanding Culturally Sensitive Care and Education by Janet Gonzalez-Mena

“Certainly doing harm to children is wrong.  But to judge what is truly harmful and not in a child, family, or community’s best interests requires a deep understanding of the perspective of the person or group you disagree with and the meanings behind their behaviors." Diveritsity and Discipline by Janet Gonzalez-Mena

“The research is clear. Time and again, the data prove that giving children access to quality early childhood programs not only works to boost their academic success, it‘s incredibly cost-effective as well.”
Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D.

“The best way to evaluate a child’s performance is to study performance, not something else.  The best way to improve a child’s performance is to teach the child, not test the child.” 
Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D.

Quotes on passion, motivation, and wisdom, taken from the media segment “The Passion for Early Childhood Education"

“We as professionals in the early childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better, and so that is what makes me passionate about this field.”
Sara Escobido, Deputy Field Director,
Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative California Community Foundation

“I think first and foremost, my passion comes from – a lot of it is intrinsic motivation that I have for the work that I do.  I know the services that I am providing for children, it’s to their benefit.  It is not anything that is going to benefit me.  It’s more to benefit them.”
Raymond Hernandez, MS. Ed., Executive Director; School of Early Childhood Education

“I wanted to continue to be a teacher because I had just a built-in passion that it was important to make a real contribution in the world, and to fix all the injustices that existed in the world, and I wanted to do that through teaching”
Louise Derman-Sparks


  1. Hello Rhonna,

    I enjoyed reading your passion quotes. I was inspired by Raymond Hernandez. It is true about having motivation and passion that will benefit children. Often people comment about the salary, hours, or operation of a preschool program. We tend to forget about what encouraged us to work in the field of early childhood education. It is about making a difference in a child's life. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Learning about Samuel Meisels this week was great. People should be recognized for their efforts before they die, props to Mr. Meisels for being an excellent example of how we can possitively impact our profession.

