Early Childhood Links

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Course Resources Section

Course Early Childhood Resources section 

Position Statements and Influential Practices

Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

Early Childhood Associations

Additional Resources


  1. Rhonna-
    I enjoyed looking over The Children's Forum website. I read one of the articles about maturity being the deciding factor on Kindergarten entrance and not age. I agree with this. I was able to start Kindergarten when I was four (turning 5 in November) because it was a private school. I did have to pass an entrance exam. I can still remember doing that test now. I always exceled in school so I am glad I was able to go at four because if I had to wait another year, I would have been bored.

  2. Hello Rhonna,

    I am assuming you live in Florida. Do you? If so I like how you chose a resource (the childrens forum) that helps educators and parents in your own area. That was a very good idea.

  3. Hey Rhonna,

    I checked out the Redlands Christian Migrants site. That was cool, so were some of the success stories. I like that you choose a site that speaks to your personal beliefs and values. Great Job!

  4. Hello Rhonna,
    I too enjoy the Region IV Head Start Association website. I think it is great investment for Head Start, Childcare Centers, Parents, Community Resource, and anyone involved in working with children and families. It offers a list of training and support to become more knowledgeable in the early childhood field. It promotes professional development training and conferences. I have never known our agency fill out applications for scholarships and awards. Have your agency taken part in any available through the Regional IV Head Start Association? If so, what was the outcome? Thank you for sharing!

  5. Hi Kisha
    Sorry I didn't see the message before. I don't know if our agency has filled out an application with Region IV, the only thing we use it in our area is more for the information and for staffs to be a member from an early childhood association when renewing CDA credentials. Our agency might have some kind of agreement but honestly I am not aware of any of them.

