Early Childhood Links

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Final Blog Assignment

Three Consequences of Learning

Post at least three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development (any format, any length)
During this course, I have learned issues and trends that affect the way children develop.  We learned about the issues of poverty, high quality, diversity, availability, accessibility, affordability, and early childhood professional seen as babysitters.  All of these issues that we found all around the world in different level of occurrences.  I learned that we are not alone to provide high quality services to our children; it is a job of many.  I learned that we need more advocates (including scientists, economists, and politicians) that can proof that we need the help from every person in the community to support early childhood programs, to invest in our children. 
One goal I have is for the whole community to be aware that investing in early childhood education is the beginning for a better future in this country.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing burns me more then my parents say "what did you do in day care today" I do not work for a day care. We do not sit our kids in front of a tv and watch Dora. Why do parents just not get it.

