Early Childhood Links

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Childbirth In Your Life and Around the World

Childbirth In My Personal Life and Around the World

Most births in United States occur in hospitals, so did mine.  I have prenatal care in a doctor office with few Obstetricians who constantly monitored my baby’s growing, mother’s health, and educate mom how to take care of both.  From the   doctor’s office, arrangements are made with hospitals for all pre-admission forms needed.  The mother just need to be ready and go to hospital.  Some women pass their due date and make an schedule to do an induction; other just rush to the hospital.  Most American women are expecting a painful labor, so they are ready to ask for pain relievers when needed.  Hospitals try to provide the best environment for all pregnant women by providing a homelike accommodations.  Mothers have the opportunity to have up to one or two people with you (normally the spouse - in my own personal experience was three people supporting me -my husband, my syster, and my mom), to help and support me during all stages of labor.  Nurses are very helpful, give  advices on how to take control of your breathing, etc.  Some women choose to have the epidural, to help them with the pain.  Pitocin is also used to accelerate the labor.  The mother’s Obstetrician is the one who delivers the baby.  Sometimes complications arrived, and some other procedures take place.  All of these procedures are done in the same room, and if everything goes right with the baby, then baby stays with the mom in the same room.  I am a real experience of all the childbirth procedures we have here in the United States.  First time mother, very nervous, and happy at the same time.  Attached is some of the pictures of the before, during, and after my princess birth.  She is been a blessing for my husband and I, we both have enjoyed this experience, first time parents!!!!!

Rhonna and husband Reymundo, soon to be first parents!.  Baby shower
40 weeks already, but my child was not ready to be with us yet.  No pain at this moment! Just happinnes :-)

Holding my daughter for the very first time.  Happy Mom! :-)

My daughter was borno on June 17, 2009 at 8:21 in the morning, just a day before my husband birthdate and father's day.  It was a great birthdate gift for my husand Reymundo

We are the happiest parents in the world!  :-)

Childbirth Chinese Traditions

China’s government has the one-child policy.  Families need to plan about their marriage and about their child.  Only with government’s approval they can conceive more children.  If the family decide to have more children without government permission, then family can’t receive free care in their hospital and all the expenses need to be by the family.  Once the Chinese’s mother is pregnant, they receive prenatal care and postnatal childbirth education classes for both, mom and partner.  Childbirth is viewed   as a time of vulnerability and risk rather than a normal physiologic process for most women.    During labor, is not allowed for the  mother to walk around, and need to be on bed  fastened with continuous fetal electronic monitoring.  Episiotomy   is carried out for every first time mom.    Sometimes the mid-wife nurses conduct deliveries independently and provide care for newborn infants.  Not all hospital allow husbands or partners to stay during labor and birth process.  They even need to leave the room when ever there are any medical investigations such as vaginal examinations.   Only the pregnant  woman’s mom is present during labor.   Most couples prefer to have cesarean section for an uncomplicated pregnancy.  This is because parents wants to ensure a perfect birth outcome.  Traditions are very important in China, and one of them is that they believe a person’s fate is largely determined by the hour, the day, and the year they are born.  For this reason, parents prefer to have a cesarean section on these “lucky days”.    For pain relief, hospitals give some choices to the mother such as: acupuncture,    epidural, abdominal massage, and pethidine.  Acupuncture method is the most common one that Chinese’s women use to relief their pain during labor, they said is safer for them and the baby.  After child is born, mom need to rest for the whole    month   and the child, this is part of their tradition too.  During this whole month, they are not allowed to have visitors, and to leave the house.  They don’t want to expose child and  mom to get some kind of illness.  There are not too many big different between China procedures and United States.  The one I found the most interesting ones are the fact that the father can’t be present during labor.  I think that is one of the most beautiful moments to see a childbirth process, cutting the umbilical cord, holding them for the first    time, hearing them  crying very loud.  I think about my husband doing all that, and it was an amazing    experience.  But Chinese’s traditions are very strong, and fathers miss this wonderful opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Rhonna,
    What a beautiful experience you had with the birth of your child. Both of you indeed look like very happy parents. I also found your comments on Chinese child birth customs very interesting. The part I found most interesting is that the mother and baby rest for a whole month after birth. I had wonderful pregnancies but child birth "wiped me out". For my 2nd and 3rd children, my doctor made me continue my vitamins to get my strength back. I don't know if I would have liked a whole month, but I sure could have used a few weeks to rest and get back to normal. In the US it's always about getting back to routine as quickly as possible. Great research. I look forward to our future in this class.

