Early Childhood Links

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Favorite Quote

'Play is a child's work' - Jean Piaget

We use this quote from Piaget often in my job, when conducting interviews to new staffs.  But what really means to me?  It means to me that children are using all their senses while they are engaged in the learning areas.  We all call this kind of interaction, and intrinsic motivation PLAYING.  This is what children know what to do best, play.  Early Childhood staffs take this children's play motivation as an opportunity to wisely prepare the environment, using developmentally appropriate materials, and allow for children actively (hands on) manipulate materials the best way they can. 

I want to also include a Chinese proverb that states:

 “Tell me, I’ll forget.  Show me, I’ll remember.  Involve me, I’ll understand”

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